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журнал - Статьи Dariusz Tarnapowicz
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Educational Technologies 2018
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Technical Issues
Статьи Dariusz Tarnapowicz
The use of mathematical computer models in the laboratory of electrical machines on the example of an asynchronous motor
Dariusz Tarnapowicz
4/2014, pp. 79-85
Specificity of training marine electro automation officers at the faculty of mechanical engineering of Maritime University of Szczecin
Dariusz Tarnapowicz
Zbigniew Matuszak
2/2015, pp. 84-91
The use of computer simulator of ship power plant in education of marine engineers
Dariusz Tarnapowicz
2/2016, pp. 49-56
Analysis of the use of selected simulation programs in the examination of power electronics converters
Dariusz Tarnapowicz
4/2017, pp. 49-54
Статьи "on-line"
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